Monday, January 12, 2015


To keep all the parts of body healthy eat healthy  foods.


  *To keep mind free we must daily
Meditation is one of the best way to keep mind free.
 practice yoga.It would help us
 to keep our mind in a control stage.
  we can practice simple yoga in our
 house itself.

  *we can practice simple exercises
 like walking,running,swimming,skipping.

  *By reading good books,listening
 music we can keep our mind free.

    *we can try meditation by closing
 our eyes and sit in a comfortable
 place,then only thinking about
 something which could not disturb you.

    *By drinking lot of water,it helps
 to keep our body in  hydrated form
 which help to break the toxins build
 up in dehydrated condition,which will
 block up the mind

    *By eating fresh fruits and vegetables
 help us to keep  the mind fresh.what
 we eat so we need to eat healthy to
 have a health mind.Because  our mind
 is related to our body.we keep our
 body healthy,our mind is always free.

    *Do the thing which you like so much
 when your mind in  disturbed mood.for
 example cooking favorite dishes,
 playing games as you like very much
 and walk through a distance with good
 friends who are talking about good
 thing only.
The stressless mind is good for health.
    *whenever you do some mistakes you
 could not worry about that.Think
 a way to solve that mistake.Don't
 hurt yourself.

   *Spend time with your family
 with your children's.Take them to
 places which they are like very much.
 If any problems burden you nobody
 could stand there instead of your
   *Believe god because god is
 great.He will make all things easy.
   *Try to stop alcohol and tobacco
 which  corrupt our mind.

       To weight loss you must stop bad eating habits.
    *In our generation we are facing 
 many diseases in many difficult names.
 For that the reason is our daily
 activities and daily food habits.
    *Bad foods like fried foods.for example French fries,
onion rings,veggies chips,meats,doughnuts.
    *Beverages like soft drinks,flavored fruit drinks,teas &smoothies.
    *Refined white flour products like bread,pastas,cakes,
    *The kinds of food we eat,they are organic verses 
non-organic,can play a significant role in our body chemistry and our  ability to reduce blood pressure, and maintain our weight  or loss weight.
    *Our pattern of eating is also important.
    *Spread out your meals and try to avoid refined snacks,
which are loaded with fat,sugar and salt.
    *You need to do what's right for you since you only 
know yours body.
    *According to Melslaw,"If you eat too much of one kind of food,balance your diet by eating an equal amount of an 
opposite kind of food until you eat a proportionality 
balanced diet."
Over weight is very dangerous.

    *Alcohol,Beer,Champagne,cocktails,coffee,coffee drinks,
Energy drinks,Juices,Soda,Tea,water,wine.
    *Water is our body's cleaning agent,lubricant,
transporter,solvent and helps to maintain our body's temperature.It is essential for growth.
    *Unfortunately,most parents don't realize the 
environmental and nutritional dangers that surround us in our homes and  food.They includes
     *Lead poisoning
     *Polluted water
     *Radon gas
     *Air pollutants
     *Toxic toys and art supplies
     *Toxic yard chemicals
     *Food additives and pesticides

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