Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How the polluted air spreading the disease, bronchitis.

Now we are going to see about the disease namely bronchitis caused by inhaling the polluted air, 
          The bronchitis is spread in two types.They are 
                1.Acute Bronchitis.
                2.Chronic Bronchitis.

Virus infection
What is Bronchitis?
                Bronchitis is an inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tubes(bronchi), the air passages between the nose and the lungs.
                Bronchitis is more specifically when the lining of the bronchial tubes between becomes inflamed or infected.People with bronchitis breathe less air and oxygen into their lungs; they also heavy mucus.

               Acute bronchitis is normally caused by viruses, and usually those that cause colds and flu.Bacteria and exposure to substances that irritate the lungs-tobacco smoke,dust,fumes,vapors and air pollution also causes it.

bronchitis symptoms              Chronic bronchitis is caused by the repeated irritation and damage of the lung and airway tissue.Smoking is one of the main reason causing this disease.The main symptom is that cough lasts longer than three months.It can also be caused by long-term exposure to air pollution,dust and fumes from the environment, as well as repeated episodes of acute bronchitis.

    signs of bronchitis.
  1. Continuous cough, which may produce mucus.
  2. Wheezing.
  3. Low fever and chills.
  4. Chest discomfort.
  5. Sore throat.
  6. Body aches.
  7. Breathlessness.
  8. Headaches.
  9. Blocked nose and sinuses.
  •  Fresh carrot and spinach juice(Pasalai Keerai) is very effective in the treatment of bronchitis and it should be added in the patients daily diet.
How to prepare this juice,
       You should extract carrot juice and spinach juice separately and then mix 6 ounces of spinach juice with 10 ounces of carrot juice.This juice is slightly  bitter and to make it more taste, you can pour the juice into an empty pint bottle and refrigerate it until it is cool.


  • The freshly squeezed juice from half a lime added to a glass of slightly warm water along with a little honey at the time of waking up in the morning.
  • At breakfast time, a cup of fresh milk sweetened with honey and nuts along with fresh fruits.
  • At lunch time, a chapatti-preferably whole wheat, along with a piece of butter and a bowl of steamed vegetables.
  • At mid-afternoon a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  • At dinner time, a bowl of green vegetable salad, with lime juice dressing,  germinated seeds and homemade cheese.
  • At night time, before going to sleep drink a glass of milk with few dates soaked in it.

     Some foods can  produce allergic reactions and if they appear to aggrevate the condition they should be avoided.
     List of foods include milk, eggs, chocolates and wheat as well as certain foods like oranges, cabbages, potatoes and tomatoes that only rarely cause an allergic reaction.
    The patients diet should also contain manganese rich foods like nuts and beans, as well as leafy vegetables and garlic.

    Foods to avoid with bronchitis include high fat and high sugar foods. Sugar weakens the immune system and slow down the healing process. Milk and dairy products should be avoided as well as they increase they increase the amount of mucus in the airways.
   Keep in mind that avoiding these foods will not help to cure bronchitis.Medical attention required.

   If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, stay on an all fruits diet for a week before returning to a regular diet. Ensure that only fresh fruits are consumed for this duration. Cooked,dried and tinned fruits should not be a post of the diet at this time. Unsweetened lemon juice is also beneficial for the treatment of bronchitis. Stop the caffeine and alcohol as well.

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