Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to live without using refrigerator.

Effects of using refrigerator


             Nowadays we are using refrigerator to preserve all the fruits,vegetables,snacks and some food items.They give out CFCs(Chloro-Fluoro Carbons) which result in ozone layer depletion.            

               Negative effects of using this technology:

is that it stops working when the electricity stops working.In some countries, the power is shut down in different areas every couple of hours in order to save and spread electricity all over the country. When all the power and electricity will shut down so the refrigerator stops the working.
              The refrigerator is very expensive, thus all the people can not afford it. It consumes a lot of electricity and voltage, in case of power cut off, the food may get spoils due to temperature changes. The refrigerator takes up a lot of space in our kitchen as well.
effects of using refrigerator


             After a busy day at work there's nothing more satisfying than coming home to a clean fridge bulging with fresh produce and tasty treats.

             The fridge could be hiding millions of harmful bugs especially in the heat of the summer with many of them responsible for food poisoning.

             But, according to experts, keeping too much food in the fridge and not storing it correctly could be making us sick.            
             Not storing food properly and overlooking cleanliness can lead to a high risk of food poisoning.
             Being aware of fridge hygiene will help raise the quality of food and also stop you from getting sick.

CFCs effects.

      Skin cancer & Eye Damage            

    Skin CFCs contribute greatly to the loss of the protective ozone layer, which blocks ultraviolet rays from the sun, spending too much time in this direct sunlight can cause skin cancer. Even without the occurrence of skin cancers, some individuals experience premature aging-meaning the skin becomes wrinkled, thick or leathery from too much sun exposure. Also, increased contact with ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye damage

       Inhaling CFCs             

                   Inhalation of CFCs affects the central nervous system. The result is intoxication similar to alcohol intake and also includes lightheaded, headaches, tremors and convulsions. Inhalation of CFCs can also disturb heart rhythm, which can lead to death. Exposure to large amount of CFCs could potentially cause asphyxiation, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
       Other CFC Exposure
                   Humans can also come into contact with CFCs through indigestion or skin contact. After dermal interaction with CFCs, some people might have skin irritation or dermatitis. Exposure to pressurized CFCs, such as that from a refrigerant leak, can cause frostbite on the skin. Direct skin exposure to CFCs has not been linked to cancer, according to the Scottish environment protection agency. Ingestion of CFCs can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or other upset to the digestive tract.
      Immune system deficiency  
                   Since direct exposure to CFC's is linked to negative effects with the central nervous system, these substances can generally impair the human immune system. Problems might include difficulty breathing or injury to the heart, kidneys and liver.


                  5 Ways To Preserve Food Without refrigerator
    foods should be preserve without refrigerator.
  1. Freezing
  2. Canning
  3. Dehydrating
  4. Salt Preserved
  5. Vacuum Packed     
              This of course is easy to do up north, the whole outdoors is your freezer in winter. You just have to keep it safe from wild life, by built a pantry up high in the trees and a ladder to get up to it.

               If  you don't have electricity, this is possible on a wood stove, though it would be a lengthy process. You can process anything: meat, vegetables, stews, fruit, fish and dessert like carrot pudding.Here are some very general canning tips:
  • The jars and lids must be sterilized first, by boiling for a few minutes.
  • Then add what you want to can, add boiled water and some seasonings.
  • Leave at least 1/4 inch space at the top.
  • Tighten the lid, then loosen a quarter turn. This will allow room for the air to leave.
  • Submerse in water and boil for the required amount of time.
  • Word of caution, beans take 3-4 hours.
  • A high pressure canner is ideal, it cuts the time by at least half.
  • Take out, tighten the lids and let cool completely.
  • Ensure that all jars have sealed the lids will be concave.
                 Almost everything can be dehydrated(dried), plain and simple. The first nations people up north dry their meat and fish by hanging it and smoke it keep the bugs off.
                 Once the food was dried, the meat and fish were just wrapped together, tied with a string and stored in a warehouse.
                 Wherever you are going to store your dried food, you must consider two things:
               1.You must keep them free from insects; and
               2.Be sure they have plenty of air.

4.Salt Preserved:         
               Around the world, meat is preserved with salt, thus the birth of sausage. But sausage does not last long without cooling.

5.Vacuum Packed:
              Canning is basically vacuum packing in sterile environment, that is why it works so well. I looked to see if you can vacuum seal without electricity.

              Purchase cheese in large blocks, cut them into smaller chunks and by vacuum sealing each piece, they lasted for months in the fridge. So without electricity, they would still last quite a while just by keeping them in a cool place.

             To keep the meat fresh for the 10-day trip, wrap it tightly in a canvas bag and sunk it to the deepest part of the lake every night. The cold water preserved it for that trip.

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